Students will
As a writer it is your ethical responsibility to provide citations for your sources. This is called a Bibliography or Works Cited page. It should include all the books, images, videos and interviews you use in your work. It is best to keep track of your sources as you work.
What is plagiarism?
Using the ideas of others as if they were your own is plagiarism.
Why do we need to cite the work we use?
When is it ok to use someone else's words or ideas?
Copyright is a legal system that protects your rights to your creative work. Did you know that when you create something, you automatically own the copyright? It is your intellectual property. This gives you alone the right to do the following with your work.
For guidelines at ZIS click here
For more information click here.
With thanks:
Copyleft by Danieldanieldaniel CC by SA 3.0
Plagiarism 101 with year 6 by Diane McKenzie CC 3.0