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ZIS LS Research Hub: Exploring the Evidence

Research and Inquiry guidance and support

Students will be able to....

  • Use a range of sources to find answers to their questions
  • Select places online to find information
  • Understand and navigate databases and search engines 
  • Use clever search strategies while online

What different sources of information will I use?

We recommend using a range of sources. This gives balance and helps ensure the reliability of your information.

  Books: Use your school or local library to find books on your topic. ZIS has a large selection of print resources that you can search here. 

   Websites: The Internet is huge so being able to find good quality information is important. Use the links below to find kid friendly sites. Also check out the videos below to learn good search strategies.

 Experts: Talking to knowledgeable people is a great way to find information. There are many ways to connect with experts in their fields. Ask your teacher or other adults about using twitter or blogs to follow or connect with person.

 Videos:  Watching a video on your topic is another interesting way to investigate.

  ​Images: You have perhaps heard that an image is worth 1000 words. ZIS teaches ethical use in all aspects of research. You can find images that you are free ot use at Britannica image search and the sites listed below. 

How will I plan my investigation?

Stop and think

  • Clarify goals

Find good keywords

  • Use most important words related to topic
  • Try synonyms or alternative words
  • Browse your search results to find more words
  • Spelling matters!

Narrow your search

  • filter by reading level (or color etc)
  • use these clever tricks in the search box

Keep track as you go


How will I collect my information and evidence?

Organizing and sorting your information

Taking notes

  • use your own words
  • write keywords or phrases
  • notice text features such as captions,table of contents, index, glossary
  • use bullet points, lists
  • use abbreviations,drawings, diagrams and symbols

Strategies you could use

  • Boxes and bullets
  • SQ3R
  • Trash and treasure
  • Cornell notes

Tools to help you stay organized

Google Docs

If you are googling....


Book icon

Video lessons on using Google

Filter image results by color
How search works (Matt Cutts)
The art of keyword choice
Word order matters
How to find text in a document (Control-F)
Suggestions, Search-as-you-type
Use define to lookup definitions
Other kinds of content in Google search
Reading the SERP
Searching other kinds of content
How the web is organized
Filetype: (how to search by document type)
Minus operator
OR operator and how to use quotes
Intext: and advanced search UI
Search by Image
Search features and shortcuts
Conversions and the calculator
Top bar tools and date filtering
Language tools
Checking your facts
Variant data
Finding quotes with quotes
Using WHOIS to find out who owns a site
Common misconceptions about search
Putting it all together (using multiple operators)
Thinking Broadly

Zurich International School
Steinarcherstrasse 140
8820 Wädenswil, Switzerland
+41 (0) 58 750 2500