avalauncher: A device used to launch explosives (an avalanche mortar) onto avalanche-prone slopes in order to trigger small avalanches so that large avalanches do not form.
DART: DART = deep-ocean assessment and reporting of tsunamis system. A collection of sensors and buoys that detect potential tsunamis and warn people in coastal areas
seismometer: A device for detecting and measuring the intensity of an earthquake. Also known as a seismograph.
tiltmeter: A device placed on a volcano that can detect changes in the size of the volcano due to increased magma volume. Used to help predict impending eruptions.
engineer: A person who applies her/his understanding of science and mathematics to creating things for the benefit of humanity and our planet.
Doppler radar: A type of weather radar that is used to detect precipitation and track the speed and direction of a storm.
buoy: A floating device.