Given the Turing test, what other methods should mankind use to judge the progress or existence of artificial intelligence?
Asimov, Isaac. “Robot Dreams.” Fiction as published in Shea, R.H., Golden, J., and Balla, L.
Atwood, Margaret. “Are Humans Necessary.” Nonfiction as published in Shea, R.H., Golden, J., and Balla, L.
Barrat, James. From “Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era.” as published in Shea, R.H., Golden, J., and Balla, L.
Deng, Boer. “Machine Ethics: The Robot’s Dilemma.”, Nature Publishing Group, 1 July 2015 Linked here
Knight, Will. “What Will It Take to Build a Virtuous AI?” MIT Technology Review, 15 Dec. 2015. Linked here
Lin, Patrick. “The Ethics of Saving Lives With Autonomous Cars Is Far Murkier Than You Think.” Wired, 30 July 2013. Linked here.
Moody, Glyn. “Google’s DeepMind AI to Use 1 Million NHS Eye Scans to Spot Diseases Earlier.” Ars Technica, 5 July 2016. Linked here.
Nilsson, Nils J. "Artificial intelligence, employment, and income." AI Magazine 5.2 (1984): 5. Linked here.
Saunders, Rachelle. “Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities, Ethics, Control, and Jobs.” Skepchick, 31 Dec. 2015. Linked here.
Wieland, Carl. “Robots Will Not Take over the World.”, Creation Ministries International, 2 Feb. 2010. Linked here.