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US - English 10 Migration Unit
Migration in the News 2018
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US - English 10 Migration Unit: Migration in the News 2018
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Migration in the News 2018
European Migration in the News
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Migraation statistics explained
Myths, data
Europe steels itself for migration
More people drowning int he Mediterranean
How many refugees have been relocated from Greece and Turkey
African migrants en route to Europe
EU's opinion about action required
5 million Syrian refugees now
10 Truths about Europe's refugee crisis
An immigrants jouney
The Greece Turkey deal
Rescue operations in the Mediterranean
Risking death int he Mediterranean
Pressure to resolve migration crisis
Europe and the refugee crisis
Migration policy - moving Europe beyond crisis
Refugees in Greece suffering at EU deal
Rescue operations - effective or not?
Statistics and data
Turkey - EU refugee agreement
More migrants coming, a problem for Germany
How a German village dealt with a larger refugee camp
Is there any truth to reports about refugees raping German women?
The AfD and refugees
Von Geburt an Multikulturalist
The anti-immigration party
Amutsfluechtinge sind eine Minderheit
Faken sur Fluechtlingskrise
Somewhere south of Paris
Le Monde diplomatique
A Source of recent articles
Le Monde diplomatique 260 results from "refugees France" search.
The Guardian's Video documentary of Cedric Herou
A documentary about a farmer living near the Italian border who is trying to help refugees.
Riot police stop refugees returning to Dunkirk camp destroyed by fire
The Guardian, April 2017
The story behind the stories
Le Monde diplomatique, May 2015
Estimating immigration flows: reconciling two sources using a Bayesian approach
France’s missing refugees Non, merci
The Economist, Jan 28th 2016
Why is there a crisis in Calais?
BBC, October 3, 2015
Demolishing purgatory: what happens to the refugees when Calais’s “Jungle” is destroyed?
New Statesman, March 15, 2016
France's first ever internationally recognised refugee camp opens near Dunkirk
The Telegraph, March 7, 2016
Statistics (in German), official figures
Fewer immigrants to Switzerland
Figures for the first quarter of 2016, the Tages Anzeiger (in German)
How border guards deal with immigrants to Switzerland
The Tages Anzeiger (in German)
Swiss voters reject plans to deport foreign offenders
Government requirements for refugees
The Guardian, April 2016
Belgian mayor wins prize for integration work
The Guardian, February 2017
Personal stories
Data from the Belgian government
Belgium spooked by refugee situation
NBC News
Resettlement of refugees in Belgium
Belgium turns back refugees
Data sea arrivals
Refugees on Lesbos
Winter in a refugee camp in Greece
People are forced to return to Turkey
Macedonia returns refugees to Greece
Athens under pressure
From Eritea to Greece
Pope Francis on Lesbos
How Vienna is trying to cope with the influx of refugees
The Guardian
Austrian border plan
The Guardian
Polish marchers protest against immigrant
Radio Poland, February 6, 2016
Poland turns against immigration after Paris attacks
DW, November 16, 2015
Focus Migration
'Poles don't want immigrants. They don't understand them, don't like them'
The Guardian, July 2, 2015
Immigrants in Sweden
The Guardian, February 25, 2017
The truth about refugees in Sweden
The Washington Post, February 2017
UKIP policy explained
Opinion: UK's approach to legal immigrants
destroyed and traumatized by violence
Real figures vs the headlines
Migration statistics 2015
Syrian refugee crisis underestimated by public
Nine surprising facts about immigration
Bodies washed up of people who try to reach Spain
Hoe many people are entering Spain illegally?
The Mediterranean crossing
Italy (+ Libya)
Data sea arrivals
Report: people drown int he Mediterranean
Upcoming elections lead to some views: fears for losing local values
Italy, the waiting room for immigrants who want to go the the north
Human trafficking: Nigerian girls forced into prostitution
Lampedusa, diving for the dead
Migrants stories
I was a Lampedusa refugee
Malta, refugees dying at Europe's doorstep
Libya's people smugglers
Syrian refugees tricked into returning to Turkey
Problems border zone Syria and Turkey
Syrian safe zones
Migration Policy Institute
Click the link above to go to the Migration Policy Institute to discover various policy proposals.
The United States
Statistics for the US
Refugees to the US
Fact Tank, January 2017
Situation of illegal minors, the Dreamers
A Syrian family divided due to new immigration policy
Are immigrants essential to fill certain jobs?
Mexican immigrants to the US
Immigrants on farms in North Carolina
Donald Trump’s 5 point plan against illegal immigration
Donald Trump’s warnings for Europe
How we see immigration and why we’re wrong
Trump, immigrants and links to crime
Refugees crossing into Canada from US on foot despite freezing temperatures
WhatsApp proves harbinger of hope for Somali families on the brink of famine
Number of asylum claims lodged in Canada from Mexico rose again in March — highest yet in 2017
Why you can thank multiculturalism for Canada's strong population growth
On their own
El Salvador, Venezuala
Video about returnees, UNHCR
Invisible refugees: 'You are the only organisation that has ever visited us'
Beyond the Wire - The refugees brought to Manus Island and the local people share their stories
The Guardian
Manus refugees likely to be relocated to Christmas Island and Nauru
The Guardian, April 28, 2016
To be a poet: a short film about coming to Australia as a refugee – video
The Guardian
Migrant crisis: New York Times editorial attacks Australia’s ‘inhumane’ immigration policies
The Australian, September 4, 2015
We appreciate our immigrants, if they earn it
The Australian
A nation for refugees?
Who are the illegal immigrants? Mainly Brits and Americans
Ten myths around asylum seekers
Women and children refugees
Child refugees in Europe
A Syrian family divided due to Trumps immigration policy
We have to listen to Women refugees
Refugee children
Personal stories (for ethos and pathos)
100 Stories
Eighteen refugees are asked what they hoped for in 2018
A year later, interviews with Syrian refugees
European Migration in the News >>
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