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US - Mission 10 Citing and Sources: Home

Use this guide to ensure that you are researching efficiently and citing accurately. Academic honesty is key to a successful Mission 10 project.


Congratulations, Grade 10 students for taking on this Mission 10 challenge.  

Past Projects

Fabled Morals

Food for Thought

eSports Viewing

Get Fit Kit

Virtual Reality Demo

Theory of Communication

Moldova Weihnachtsaktion

Four Seasons Edit


Building a 3D Printer

Making a Cricket Bat

Investing in Stocks

Building a Robot

Zurich MUN

My Screenplay

My New Shoes

Guitar Song


Message from the Deputy Director

Zurich International School
Steinarcherstrasse 140
8820 Wädenswil, Switzerland
+41 (0) 58 750 2500