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MS - Ethical Use: Ethical Use

Ethical Use

Ethical Use
Students will be able to:
  • understand that they have an obligation to cite their sources
  • acknowledge the sources of their information
  • understand what plagiarism is and how to avoid it


As a writer it is your ethical responsibility to give proper credit to sources.

When researching, you need to create a Bibliography or 'Works Cited' page for the Books/Websites/Videos/ Images you used to find the answers to your questions.

Think NAPPY-
 (Name. Author, Publisher, Place, Year)
Things to keep in mind...
  • The Works Cited page should always be the last page of your report or presentation.
  • Sources should be organized alphabetically by the first word or name in the entry.
  • Keep track of your sources you go so creating your bibliography is easy. 
  • For websites, PLACE of publication might just be a country.
  • For websites, look for a "Last Updated" or "Copyright" date for the YEAR information.
Example Citation (MLA Format)
A book Last Name, First Name. Title. Place of publication: Publisher, Copyright Date.

Shelly, Mary. Frankenstein. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. 1990

A website Author (if given). “Title of Web Page.” Title of Website. Date last updated. Name of organization that sponsors the site. Date accessed <URL link>.

Unknown. “Frankenstein, Plot Overview.” SparkNotes. Unknown. SparkNotes     LLC. 16th January 2012 <>.    

For more examples of MLA format, click here.
EasyBib Add On to create a Works Cited page in a Google Doc

Google Doc EasyBib Add On


The following explanations for Plagiarism were adapted from the Common Sense Media unit Whose is it Anyway?

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and calling it your own.

When is it okay to use someone else’s words or ideas?

•  When you use quotation marks around the words you use and give a citation.
•  When you use someone’s ideas or words to help you say something in your own words and provide a citation.

Why do we need to cite the work we use?

•  To avoid plagiarism.
•  To give credit to the person who made it.
•  So other people can find the sources you used.
•  Citing work shows respect for other people’s work.

 Why is it important to show respect for other people’s work?

•  It’s the right thing to do.
•  It shows them we admire and appreciate their work.

Quoting, Summarising and Paraphrasing - tips to avoid plagarism.

Basically, any idea of fact that you received from a source needs to be cited. Any idea of fact that the common knowledge does not need to be cited. For example, a fact like the earth rotates around the sun is common knowledge and would not have to be cited. 
(Table adapted from LMC Plagiarism - Cheating)

Works Cited
Cameron School District, "LMC Plagiarism - Cheating" Cameron School District, 2009, Cameron School District, 22 January 2013, <>.
UWC Research Hub, "Ethical Use",
Common Sense Media, "Lesson: Whose is it Anyway?" Common Sense Media, 2013, Common Sense Media, 22 January 2013, <>. 
Image Credits
Baby - - Creative Commons - Attribution (CC BY 3.0) by Roger Cook & Dan Shanosky, from The Noun Project
Quotation - Creative Commons - Attribution (CC BY 3.0) by P. J. Onori, from The Noun Project
Document - Creative Commons - Attribution (CC BY 3.0) by Takashi Inaba, from The Noun Project
Funnel - Creative Commons - Attribution (CC BY 3.0) by Patrick N Hawaii, from The Noun Project
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